Friday, July 30, 2010

Pulmonary Fibrosis Stages

own apartment! Bem-vindos ao Brasil

... the call to which we have been waiting for, came not, but now have we won a house. We had to remove one with 3 bedrooms in sight, but when the rent was about Night just 1000 RS (400 €) more expensive. Although we are Europeans, but so far no Rockefeller ... :) Now we have almost diegleiche apartment, but only with 2 bedrooms. Cathleeni has a room for herself and Vanessa and I share the larger bedroom. In the photos you can
kitchen, living room, bathroom and our bedroom overlooked. We even have a TV and a stereo system, I do not have the luxury of time in Bremen. :) Most of all I like the green sofa in the living room, but I really have to have a hammock too. I do not know if you see this in the photos, but here are always hooks in the walls for hammocks and since in Luke so was comfortable, I would also like another one.

Sun, but what about in recent days still happened this way? Monday nothing more exciting. I have another movie night with Lucas and Augusto seen or tried. I fell asleep after the first 5 minutes and the guy woke up again ... typical. Lucas and I have then talked forever, I was awake again, and scheduled the next day, but it is of course once again nothing happened. Because you have to get used here really, nothing, absolutely nothing happened as it plans. make plans is kind of wasted time ...
Tuesday we were then to pick up again at the International Office by 2 documents. With which we had then half the city to another campus to enroll us leave. There we had to then wait forever to fill out forms that we have actually been in Germany and here again filled in the International Office and make a hundred copies of our passport / visa. In the end we got there, then our student number, which we had to return to the International Office ... sooo annoying. Fortunately we had all the time, Fabio, we drove by car back and forth. The IO then only one copy was made by the student number and the That's it. Actually we wanted to apply for a student card yet, but as of 2 was of course no one there. With the student ID card can ride for only 90ct bus and without costing us 1.80 each way RS, what's not to be always fit. I think that bugs me now ... I want my beautiful BSAG semester ticket. :-) About 3 Fábio has us all then disposed of the home and has been the end of the paperwork.
I've just decided then still in a shopping center to go before it gets dark, but it was not that great anyway.
Lucas is a member of AIESEC (any student organization that provides internships etc.) and evening he asked if I with him, an Englishman, Argentina and Italy (as I understand it) still want to go eat tapioca and I did not give said no. Tapiocas (picture), one can compare such a tiny little bit with crepes, but not really because they are made from tapioca flour. Tapiocas are also filled with all sorts of things ... very tasty! We were then picked up by 4 girls and we have been relatively long, ostensibly to the place where you can eat the best tapioca and then when we got there, I really was a bit overwhelmed. From 3 people ... because there were so different from all 25 countries and all I thought would be a new intern in Brazil. Accordingly, I had about 25 times "Nice to meet you say" and 50 cheek kisses (one per side) are divided. It was really a bit too much. I've really felt like an au pair meeting in New York, which was always so from similar. But in the end it was really funny, I've finally met a lot of people and learn interesting things. I do not know whether I have written in the last post already, but last weekend was here yes Fortal "(Carnival out of season) and we have considered to be to actually short. An Austrian woman has told me, then once how it is going on there: "You come then, and find everything funny, after an hour you look closely at you, the men already, and after 3 hours you are so drunk that you just can from each kiss. "Oops, I did it then asks you how many times safer than be kissed , but they did not know ... I was just Lucas sooooo grateful that we are not there gone.
Wednesday morning Vanessa and I have paid deposit for the apartment and then we are at the beach gone. Cathleeni Sushi somehow has not quite bear the previous day and would rather stay in bed. On the beach there was really hardly bearable, so we made a loooong lunch break and later still a loooong Eispause at Mc Donalds. Mc Donald's offers to correct the many different flavors of ice cream. There is even a separate ice cream stand, there should be in Germany. I then Vani still brought home and even my 20 minute walk turned into the boys.
Thursday noon have Lucas and I have something taken from the self-service restaurant around the corner and with Augusto eaten and half-2, we wanted to pick up to move the girls and, but that was then 2:30, because he just happened that he needs to sleep a bit first ... Then we set off in a threesome with my big bag and one I would say Ford Fiesta, but it was not a Ford Fiesta, but the size of her, it comes out:) for the girls to pick. After squeezing umkoordinieren eternal and has everything but actually fit in the car and we were able to pull out. Funny thing was that our new apartment was really only a parallel street away ... I think the guys were not so funny. In the apartment, my bed was missing, what they gave me somehow assembled just yet, but otherwise everything was fine. The boys have then offered to drive us to the supermarket, which of course was super. Along the way we have just 2 keys for less than 3 € convert into ... the laughs.
evening we were again on the market at the Beira Mar and at our welcome caipirinha we went to sleep.
The next morning we had directly "Post" located behind the door. An invitation from our male, English neighbors to take a boat tour / party...sehr nice of them, but no thanks!
We were then buy again, because it was with the boys but a little stressful, and at the bank, at noon we have for the first time and cooked later we were again in Aldeota Shopping Center, where I was last time already. I think I'm here alone, never cook, we only have a gas stove to light and is available to not for me. So far Vani has always taken. And a kettle I miss it already. Until the water is boiling, can ever take 30 minutes and how do I know if I want a cup of tea in 30 minutes or not? :-) I've even brought my green tea, but somehow tastes totally different from the water here. So from now on probably every tomorrow a glass of drinking water and no tea ... more You believe not what we found funny in the shopping center ... a pair of underpants with padded, preformed Po. That would actually have been worth a photo, but for security reasons, we had our camera never there. And then we would have two stories in a shop where we thought he was, So we are with our things that we wanted to buy up and whoosh, we were driven out from the store. Mouth in Brazil is therefore right thing to do ... Nee, nee, of course, we immediately went down and paid for. Then there were the other two have an ice cream and I once tried a Brazilian Crepe. They come here on the style, but are at least as delicious.
Last night we planned to leave for the first time, but that unfortunately did not work out so real. Cathleeni yet know of her au pair year from here and she then called and identified that Gabi (that it) 10:30 comes to us and bring 2 more friends. other half was 11 always the time when we all were already dead tired to do more in the position, well ... At 11, the three were then also with us and it was really funny. At 12, we then set off for Mucuripe, probably the biggest club here in Fortaleza. Even as we arrived, we saw a totally long line (or MB WiWiJura not mind), well we have carried us and waited and waited and waited ... We noticed is that Brazilians are really very pretty, but all very small. All have borne cm-high heels, and we (is anything too inconvenient and thus can not run away) with our flat shoes are noticed very. Well about half past 2 we then really tired of waiting, the entry would have been too expensive and in there it would certainly have been really crowded, so we have decided to leave. The other girls had apparently not so much desire, so they have even gone home. Gabi then so is 2 blocks from us passed and we felt that we could go back, but what was the response? "No, it's too dangerous!" Well then ...
So, that was back a lot ... From Monday there will be serious, I'm excited!


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