Monday, April 19, 2010

Homecoming Basketball Sayings

The charm of the 60

In the age of Broadband Internet, I am widely adopted due to the possibilities it offered from traditional TV viewing. perhaps the exception of sports. This does not mean that I would do without certain things that one associates with the TV, on the contrary. Instead of me to judge with the television program I watch, preferably only if it suits me the most good TV series. As these usually come from the USA preferably in original version. Who wants this all done, anyway do not rely more on the synchronized versions.

Currently I watch the excellent series Mad Men . This describes the events in a trendy New York advertising agency of 60 years, and this is very respected on authenticity, this one with everything. We follow not only the design of real-world ad campaigns from the time and gets on the edge as the presidential election campaign between Nixon u nd with Kennedy. Much more exciting, however, are the everyday things of this period: the large consumption of highly concentrated at work by officers, the ubiquity of cigarette consumption, whether at work, at home or even in bed (even in the presence of infants or naturally by the pregnant housewife), clearly visible racial discrimination, and especially the sex ratio before the emancipation of women.

So is the role of women in society and the world of work clearly defined: a housewife and mother at home, secretary or assistant in the office, where the highest career goal to find a man seems to be. The few women who will have the professional successes of the men are either not taken seriously, or scaring them. I can not judge yourself, but Mad Men is attributed to be very true to the original of the 60 in the representation of the situation. It is amazing how We now feel much shocking as what was just 50 years ago to the day.

Suitable for that I saw this week at the cinema also an excellent film, which is also in the 60s. This is the directorial debut of fashion designer Tom Ford, A Single Man . The film adaptation of the novel by Christopher Isherwood's novel is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. It stands out above all the aesthetics of the film. While this can be expected from a designer, but everything is true, the props, the music, the images, the acting. At the same time carries the story about a gay man who plays for the loss of his longtime partners with suicidal thoughts, in an unspectacular manner, a complex emotional world. You leave the cinema after the film is compelling, taken and happy about this beautiful cinematic experience. Highly recommended!


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